Wim Hof Quotes

Best Twitter post Quotes by Wim Hof

Twitter post Quotes

“Life is like a river.

The way of life is to flow with the current. To turn against it takes effort but the current will carry you if you let it.

Float with joy and ease.”

Twitter post

“The cold is a teacher. It’s merciless. You don’t picnic when you go into the cold. You don’t think about your mortgage or your kid’s braces or your divorce; you just survive. You reactivate the deepest part of your brain.”

Twitter post

“We have much more control than we think. But we have to expose the body to the natural elements, such as cold and heat, and take it out of its comfort zone. It’s positive stress. It makes the body and mind work.”

Twitter post

“You can be strong without thoughts, just existing in the stillness of the mind, well-nourished with the life-force, the blood flow, because your thinking brain isn’t dominating those resources. Breathe. Go out into the cold. Feel it. It will take you back into yourself.”

Twitter post

“You have to take a shower anyway, right? So, it’s very simple. Just end up cold. One minute or two, tops. And then, if you wish, after ten days (once your body has reconditioned itself) you can increase the exposure.”

Twitter post

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