Zara Bas Quotes
Best 27 I Have to Tell You Something Quotes by Zara Bas
I Have to Tell You Something Quotes
“And throughout your search
it seems you may have overlooked one
important fact
You were the answer all along.”
“I don't know if I'm doing this correctly
this whole
'making life for yourself' thing
but I am trying
and that is what matters.”
“I know you've been told the very opposite
but hear me out
you are worth the hassle
you are worth the inconvenience
you are not exasperating
you're not causing a fuss
asking for what you need is not being difficult
- Stop apologising for being human”
“I was scared
that if I said what I waas thinking
it would shatter everything.”
“If you don't take care of your brain
it'll show up in your body
if you don't confront your needs
your body will confront them for you
if you don't respect your own limits
your body will force you to respect them.”
“In the end you'll walk away
and that will be the beginning.”
“It never feels like it
but the more your break down
the more you let the tears out
the more you let go enough to feel whatever
comes up for you
The more you heal.”
“It wasn't that you were hard to love
they just weren't capable of loving you
the way you deserved”
“It's not just okay to be sensitive
it's beautiful to be sensitive
it's beautiful to be aware and feel deeply
it's beautiful to love with your heart on your sleeve”
“People love you most
in your rawest state
with your clumsily
and imperfectly expressed
string-of-consciousness thoughts
the unabashed excitement you betray
before it's replace with a stoic mask
you don't realise how charming you are
As your most undefended self.”
“Regardless of whether you believe it or not
you are important
you are worthy
you are good enough
you are acceptable
you are valuable.”
“So then be basic
like what everyone else likes
enjoy the pumpkin spice lattes
wear leggings as pants
because no matter how mainstream
If you like it, you like it and that's a good enough reason”
“The cost of not being true to yourself
for the sake of approval
is losing your authenticity
and that's a price
far too high to pay.”
“The high of finding places to fix
within yourself
can quickly become another addiction
in the healing rat race
so don't forget
- You can be flawed and still be flourishing.”
“There are some pieces of you
that may never be fully understood
by anyone but yourself.”
“To trust again
is my greatest battle
and I will win.”
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“Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.”
“Trauma didn't make you stronger
You did that.”
“Who you are is someone worth loving
not only for the way you make others feel
the way you show kindness
enlivening the days of strangers
and loved ones alike
who you are is someone worth loving
- Simply as you are.”
“You are not the things they said to you in the throes of anger”
“You do have what it takes
what it takes to get through this
what it takes to transcend
to become
to flourish
no matter how dark it gets
You have what it takes.”
“You have to keep going
you have to keep creating
keep trying
keep loving
keep believing
when it feels like no one's listening
and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere
when you want to throw the towel in
you have to keep going
You owe yourself at least one more chance.”
“You make
people feel
so understood.
Don't you think
you deserve
a little understanding too?”
“You shouldn't have
to put in
effort for two.”
“You were not put on this earth
to turn your life into a performance piece
for the judgment of others.”
“You were not put on this earth to turn your life into a performance piece for the judgment of others.”
“You will
find a love
that calms
your soul.”
with your sunny disposition
and tender heart,
have always been enough.”
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“Half of the battle is what you believe you deserve. The other half is the amount of aligned effort you’re willing to put into what you deserve.”
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